10 Happy Things

So many articles and stories nowadays are about “12 Problems Only Natural Blondes Can Relate To” or “10 Problems Naturally Skinny People Face” or “The Hardships That Surround Short People.” Why?

Why are so many stories in a negative point of view and always focused on the problems we face in the world? Granted, I understand many are meant to be jokes, but nonetheless it can drive negative thoughts into people’s heads. Problems that natural blondes face? How about the perks natural blondes face instead? How about we write more stories about moving and thinking past the problems and thinking positive thoughts. It’s all in the way you write a story. We can choose to write the negative things and the problems or we can choose to write the happy, positive things.

Not everything in this world is bad. Yes, it may seem like it at times but it’s not true. There are so many amazing things to be grateful for and happy for if we all just took the time to stop and think about it a little bit. So, right now, I’m going to name a few things. What I want you, the reader, to do is to clear your head. Just stop thinking. Then read it and remember the good things in life. Afterwards feel free to get back to the real world, but this time I hope you go with one more hop in your step and one more happy thought in your head. Without further ado,


1. Life. It’s as simple as that. We are here and we are alive. Whether you believe in God or the Big Bang Theory, something in the universe wanted us to exist. Some days may seem like a struggle to get out of bed, but on those days remember that you have the ability to get out of bed because you woke up and are still breathing and full of life. Some people go to sleep and aren’t as lucky. So jump out of bed, drink that coffee and get on with the rest of your spectacular day! If we let it, life can indeed make us happy.

Stand on a rock overlooking water and shout into the void that you are alive! Just like this person is (probably) doing. Photo from mint.com

2. Free will. Not only are we alive, but we have the opportunity to make our own decisions and choices each and every day. We can choose to stay in bed or we can choose to get up. We can choose to go to college or not. We can choose the path of life we go down. There will always be obstacles and struggles blocking our path but it is left up to us whether we jump over those obstacles or if we fall flat in front of them. It’s true that in some parts of the world people’s free will is hindered with war and corrupt governments but inside each and every one us is a unique brain with unique thoughts that push us further down our path. We are all meant to succeed in this world. It’s just up to us whether we do so or not. Our choices have the potential to make us happy.

3. Movies. Or books. Or comics. Or TV shows. Or games. Whatever kind of entertainment you like, it makes you happy right? Seeing or reading a romantic love story or a superhero conquering a villain takes you away from reality for a little while and creates a new world to live in. That new world is special to you and when you find someone who appreciates your world – BAM – a connection is made and that entertainment has created an entirely new reason to make you happy. Why? Because now you have someone to share your happiness with. And that’s pretty cool. Entertainment can make us happy.

Go ahead and cheer for whatever makes you happy! Photo from chicagotraveler.com

4. Your body. Ever heard the saying that “your body is your temple”? Well, it’s true. No one else on earth has the body that you have. And though you may wish you were skinnier or taller or shorter or had longer hair or straighter teeth or smaller feet none of it matters. You are beautiful no matter what. And I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true. Society’s definition of beautiful is inaccurate and once you understand that you begin to understand what I am telling you right now: you are beautiful. Beauty comes in so many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Society tries to define beauty, but the truth is…beauty can’t be defined. Learn it. Live by it. And love your body. It’s the only one you’ve got. Your body can make you happy.

5. The weather. Do you ever have those days where you wake up and aren’t in a great mood? Then you realize it’s raining outside and it somehow puts you in a better mood because it seems like the weather felt how you were feeling? Yeah, me too. The weather is pretty darn amazing. When it’s sunny outside it creates a picture like no other. When it’s storming out with lightning and thunder there’s a live show in the sky for us all to see. The weather can indeed make us happy.

6. Comradery. Many of us can probably relate to this now more than ever with the World Cup going on. Even if you don’t like soccer, if you turn on a game and just take a look in that stadium, you see a million people all joined together to cheer for one end goal (#punonsoccer). Whether their team wins or loses, together that giant group of people either drink to victory or drink for a new game. Comradery is a cool thing. It takes a group of people who seem different on the outside and shows them that they’re not so different after all. Comradery can make us happy.

Do you see the comradery obviously present? Because I sure do. (PS – USA! USA! USA!) Photo from usatoday.com

7. Music. Music is one of the greatest things we have in life. Whether it’s the new song on the radio that speaks to you or whether it’s the random beat you can’t get out of your head, music unravels our true desires of life and puts them in a way we think we understand them. Music can completely turn a mood around. It can send a message to someone when we’re too scared to say it ourself. Music can bring people together and it can create a community out of a group of people. Music is powerful and if anyone doubts that, then they are just plain wrong. Simple as that. Music can make us happy.

8. Emotions. It’s true that some people have it biologically bred in them that they can’t feel pain or joy, but for most of us we have a wide range of emotions to choose between. Emotions are amazing because they remind us that we are alive and that we are human. They connect us in ways that nothing else could do. When there is a worldwide tragedy, the world mourns together. When there is great happiness, we celebrate together. The complexity of emotions also reminds us that, though we think otherwise, we are not in control. They say you can’t choose who you love and it’s true. It’s also true for every other emotion: you can’t exactly choose what you feel. You can choose what you do with your emotions, however. If you’re angry, you can choose to fight or to take a breath and relax. If you’re happy you can choose to spread that cheer to others or keep it to yourself. Emotions are a guide for us. Though sometimes we may think otherwise, it’s better to feel even pain than nothing at all. What we do with our emotions can make us happy.

The choice is up to you: which will you choose? Photo from cbc.ca

9. Running. Or…biking, swimming, hiking, roller blading. Whatever exercise it is, it makes you feel alive. The rush of oxygen in your lungs and the adrenaline seeping throughout your body creates a magical kind of happiness. Even if we think we hate it in the moment, the feeling afterwards of success and healthiness and energy creates a bubble of joy that no one can pop. Adrenaline can make us happy.

10. People. Perhaps a controversial choice to be on this “happy” list, I truly think people make us happy. All of them – family, friends, and strangers affect us in ways we don’t even realize in the moment. That person who picks up your wallet when you drop it keeps your faith in humanity alive. And that person who lets the door hit you in the face reminds you to be the kind of person that holds the door for others. The connections we make in life are so important. They shape who we become in life. With them we are an abstract painting on the canvas of life and without them, we are but a simple nail holding the painting up. Sometimes people let us down. Sometimes people commit crimes that make us question humanity. But other times, people exceed expectations. Other times, people create a better world to live in. People can make us happy.

Be a color in this painting. Don’t be the nail holding it up. Photo from dailypainters.com

Yes, most of the things I mentioned aren’t really materialistic things. And that’s because not everyone has materialistic things. Not everyone has a comfy bed to sleep in or an air conditioner to keep them cool in the summer. What I was trying to do was come up with items past the materialistic ones to remind us that happiness comes from the first thing I mentioned in the list: life. More specifically, living life. All the money in the world can’t buy happiness so why bother trying? I joke around saying that money could buy me happiness by paying for college or paying for me to travel the world, but really I realize I’m the happiest when I’m doing something I love to do or when I’m with people I love. Yes, materialistic things are great but it would do us all some good to look past those things that bring us surface-level happiness and instead find the things that make our soul the happiest.

Happiness is all around us. It’s just a matter of where you’re looking. I hope you find happiness today and always.

The Workings of Fate

Photo from the NY Times.

The road of hate or the road of love

The road below or the road above

The person on the street who is made of gold

Or the person on the corner who has hell to hold

Lives intertwined like a matter of fate

The universe choosing who is to be great

Separated they are merely two beings

But unite them together and they become one feeling

A feeling of power and a feeling of hope

Is all either one needed to cope

While fate watches they meet on the street

About to walk by but stopping their feet

They look up from the ground confused by the pause

When they look into the other’s eyes both clench their jaws

It is a mirror of the other, a reflection they see

Of a person they thought they could never be

One larger than life, captain of his own team

While the other is losing their will to dream

Though both capable, neither one moves

Both trying to figure out what the other has to prove

The connection they feel is one so strong

It’s like yin and yang, it’s like right and wrong

Each ponders if the other is missing a part of their soul

Secretly wondering if they can make each other whole

Instead of asking, one takes a step out of the daze

The moment is over and they both part ways

That night both lie awake unable to sleep

While fate above silently weeps

The two soul mates again have passed

Neither realizing it because neither asked

Two beings ignorant of the workings of above

While fate works to create another template of love

The next time the two are about to meet

Fate will not lose, it will not be beat

Both shall stop and both shall see

That their connection was simply meant to be

Then instead of sorrow, fate shall be pleased

It will then move on to find another moment to seize

Because what fate believes, fate achieves

And when fate achieves, all will be pleased.

Humans of New York

Image from Amazon.com

Recently, I’ve been on the Humans of New York website a lot looking at all the pictures and reading their captions. Something I’ve noticed is that a lot of people, when talking about things they have been lucky to receive like clothing or food, have mentioned God. They have mentioned prayer and faith and trust in God. For me, that’s really important. I’m Catholic and I believe whole-heartedly in God. Sometimes, however, it’s easy to doubt your faith and trust. But when I read the quotes about other people’s faith it restores my faith. Not only in God, but in humanity.

The creator of HONY has interviewed thousands of people on the streets of New York and the fact that these people spare a few minutes to talk to him and allow him to photograph them shows that people still care. People still want to love and be loved. Sometimes, the world makes this seem otherwise, but that’s the truth at the heart of the matter. We’re all just trying to make it in this crazy world and most of us don’t want to be alone doing it.

Anyway, I highly recommend checking out the website and the Facebook page for HONY. You won’t regret it.

60 Little Tips That Can Change a Girl’s Life

Love this!



One small step for girls, one giant leap for womankind.
  1. Download a banking app.
  2. Drink more herbal tea. It will save your life.
  3. Making your own coffee/tea instead of buying it will make you a rich woman.
  4. Always have at least 6 chap sticks stocked up.
  5. Check out thrift stores. You may have to wash things three times before you get the old lady smell out, but it’s well worth it.
  6. Never buy cheap jeans.
  7. Buy cheap sunglasses instead.
  8. Don’t chase boys.
  9. Wrinkle spray and a hair dryer erase all need to ever use an iron for all of you lazy ironers like me.
  10. Wear slippers when you have to drive in heels.
  11. Wear slippers when you’re travelling.
  12. Wear slippers at all moments that it’s even slightly acceptable to wear slippers.
  13. Spend a little extra money on your make up; it’s so worth it.
  14. Get running sneakers that are actually…

View original post 637 more words

Memorial Day Thanks

Land of the free, because of the brave.

On this Memorial Day and always, we thank those who fought for our country and for those who are still fighting to protect us. Their bravery is a statement of how we should all choose to live our lives – selflessly. I pray that one day we may no longer know war, but only peace. Until then, love and thanks to all those have have served or are serving.

Tuesday Thoughts

Sometimes things don’t always go as planned. You hope for one outcome and then life gets in the way and changes those plans. And that can be rough. You then go through a few stage during this time.

First, you might be angry or overall upset. You want to cry or punch a pillow or throw something against the wall (I don’t know, I don’t know your life).

Then it might be the “I can’t do anything right and I’ll never make it anywhere in life” phase.

After probably comes the “Whatever I don’t even care anymore phase.”

But then you think about it more and realize that you do care.

So then you get upset again.

But then you realize that getting upset isn’t going to change anything. What’s done is done and you’ll just have to live with whatever outcomes occur.

So then you go through some motivational quotes you’ve heard in life to try to make yourself feel better. Some examples include,

“Hakuna Matata” (The Lion King)

“Let It Go” (Frozen)

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” (William Arthur Ward)

“If you risk nothing then you risk everything.” (Geena Davis)

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” (Maria Robinson)

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” (Wayne Gretzky)

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” (Winston Churchill)

So, now that you’ve read over motivational quotes in your head you’re at the “I’m starting to feel better about life” phase.

But you still decide that the day has been rough so you treat yourself to Chipotle and ice cream with friends.

And then even though you should go back and study you instead play a little frisbee and talk to friends.

So then by the end of the night you have accomplished nothing, but feel a heck of a lot better.

And that’s what really matters, right? Right. So, now, if any of you are having a rough day and things just aren’t going your way, remember that you will probably go through all of these phases, if not even a few more, but in the end you will be okay and everything will be okay and life will move on in a beautiful fashion and that will be that.

The end.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

The Little Things in Life

As the saying goes, “It’s the little things that truly matter.” And you know what? I completely agree. Some of my favorite little things that I like to notice, be grateful for and that make me happy are as follows…

  1. The sun shining on a winter day. In the midst of the cold and gloomy looking days of winter, when the sun is shining, even if it’s still cold, it brightens up my day. I become cheerier because the sun is out, and I swear everyone else is a bit happier, too.
  2. A smile from a stranger when walking. Sometimes, walking around on campus can just feel like a dull chore. But when I’m walking, look up and someone shoots me a smile, it makes my day about 10x better.
  3. Cats! I love cats and I love cat pictures. Seeing a cat picture can make me feel happy, but it can also make me a bit sad because I miss my pet cat. But no matter what, the furry adorable little things just make my heart grow in size.

    Look at this little guy! How can you not be happy looking at him!? Photo from @Cats account on Twitter.

  4. A good day at work. Work can be rough, so when I have a good day where I feel like I knew what I was doing and did it well – it makes me feel good.
  5. When someone likes something I’ve written. Sometimes, I write things and wonder if they’re even any good and if I should even bother sharing them. When I do decide to share, and someone tells me they like it, it just makes me happy.
  6. A thunderstorm. I love love love thunderstorms. In my opinion, if it’s going to rain, it better pour. Storms are some of the most relaxing, beautiful sights and sounds to me. Listening to the roar of the thunder and the flash of lightning reminds me of what an amazing planet we live on. Bonus: taking a nap to the relaxing sounds of the storm = prime.
  7. The first warm day of Spring. After a long, cold winter the first warm day is one of the most important days of the year. Everyone comes out of hibernation and everything feels alive again! Granted, the next day may be a normal winter day, but knowing that we had one nice day makes the wait for more worthwhile.
  8. A soft, cozy blanket. Sometimes, all I want to do is snuggle up and take a nap or just listen to music. Having a comfy blanket to do so with makes the experience a million times better. I believe everyone should invest in a giant, fluffy blanket in their lifetime. It’ll be worth it.
  9. My favorite soup at the dining hall. I love chicken tortilla soup, and when the dining hall serves that as an option, I just know the day is going to go well.
  10. When professors play music at the beginning of class. Sometimes, going to class is a real struggle. But when I walk in and fun music is playing, it boosts my mood and attitude and I feel like it’s going to be a good class period.
  11. Someone who walks by and smells really good. Sounds weird, I know but c’mon, anyone will admit that when a boy walks by wearing a nice cologne, it’s a nice moment.
  12. HUGS! Sometimes I’ll just randomly walk up to one of my friends and hug them because, why not? Hugs show someone you care and can make them (and you) feel better if either is feeling down. Hugs are fantastic and everyone should hug someone at least once a day.

    Anyone? Anyone?? Photo from FurtherEd.

  13. Midnight premiers of movies. These are some of the most fun events ever! If you go with a group and friends and dress up for whatever movie it can be even better! Even if you don’t dress up, I assure you there will be people who do and let me tell you, I love those people.
  14. Laughter! Whether I’m the one laughing or I was able to make some of my friends laugh, the saying is true: laughter is the best medicine. It just makes things better.
  15. Babies and children. I love kids…I just love ’em! Maybe it’s because I have nephews, I don’t know. But what I do know is that they make this world a better place. I love adorable little baby laughs and when kids just die of laughter from being tickled. I also love their view of the world – they haven’t been exposed to the pain the world can cause and so only see the bright, happy things in life. I wish we all still had that mindset.

    Brendon and I at the dining hall for chicken tender Thursday!! Photo from me.

    Brendon and I at the dining hall for chicken tender Thursday!! Photo from me.

  16. Family time. Especially being at college and being away from all my family, I love any chance I get with them. A note to everyone: love your family and appreciate them with all your heart – some people aren’t as lucky as you and might not have one.
  17. Good hair days. Let’s be real – every girl knows the struggle of trying to make your hair look cute and your hair just not having it for the day. Good hair days = good days.
  18. Chicken tender Thursday! Now, no one will really understand this but every Thursday my friend Brendon and I have a lunch date after our class and we get chicken tenders and just talk and catch up on everything. It’s probably the best day of the week and I always look forward to it.
  19. Comfy clothes. What can I say except that they’re the bombdotcom.
  20. Naps. These busy days and weeks can just take a lot of everyone, so when I get the chance to take a nap where I don’t feel like I should be doing a million other things, it’s a nice time.

So, those are a few things in life that make me happy! What “little things” matter the most to you?

A Promise.

This week I’ve learned some things. To sum it up, I’ve learned to ignore people.

I’m starting to believe that almost everyone in the world is here as an obstacle to us all – pushing us and testing our limits and seeing how just much we can be talked down to or questioned before we crumble. Before we lose faith in ourselves. Before we give up. Before we rethink everything we once believed.

How many times will we be pushed to the ground before we just don’t want to get up anymore?

These are the people we need to ignore. Someone tells you you’re not good enough? Ignore them. They tell you that you’re over thinking things or not thinking hard enough about something? Ignore them. They tell you you’re not good enough, pretty enough, talented enough, smart enough, strong enough, athletic enough, brave enough, caring enough, cool enough. Ignore them.

They don’t know you. They don’t know the struggles you’ve gone through, the battles you’ve fought and won or the battles you’ve lost. They act like they’ve known you forever, know who you are presently, and know who you will be. But that’s a lie. Barely any of us even know ourselves what we’re doing now or what we’ll be doing tomorrow or the next day or week or month or year. They don’t know you and with their current mindset, they never will. So forget about them and don’t give them another minute of your time or energy. It’s not worth it.

Because you know what? In the midst of all of these people who want to push you to the ground…there are people who care.

There are people who want to build you up and show you off. They know how amazing you are and how amazing you can be. They see the best in you and want everyone else to know it, too. Find these people and hold on to them. Because while you’re busy ignoring all the people who apparently know everything about you, you’ll need the people who actually do know everything about you to lean on. You’ll get tired ignoring people’s comments and you might just start believing them. It’ll be those people who stay by your side and remind you of who you really are.

You’re a fighter. You’re beautiful. You’re talented, amazing, goofy, silly, adorable, cute, fantastic, courageous, strong, daring, handsome, kind, intelligent, the coolest of the cool (ice cold!), and perfect. Perfect just the way you are. You know why? Because there is absolutely no one else in the world who is like you. You are completely unique and special and different. Now and always.

The world is rough. You might feel like you’re riding the struggle bus almost every day. It’s okay, I feel the same way sometimes. But on the days where you’ve been pushed to the ground, just remember to get up. It might not be right away. You might have to take a little time to gather your bearings and breathe a little. That’s okay. Just don’t let “them” win. Get up and prove them wrong.

You are good enough. You have always been good enough and always will be.


Pinky promise. Photo from jazelblomboy.wordpress.com

Pinky promise. Photo from jazelblomboy.wordpress.com