
A Promise.

This week I’ve learned some things. To sum it up, I’ve learned to ignore people.

I’m starting to believe that almost everyone in the world is here as an obstacle to us all – pushing us and testing our limits and seeing how just much we can be talked down to or questioned before we crumble. Before we lose faith in ourselves. Before we give up. Before we rethink everything we once believed.

How many times will we be pushed to the ground before we just don’t want to get up anymore?

These are the people we need to ignore. Someone tells you you’re not good enough? Ignore them. They tell you that you’re over thinking things or not thinking hard enough about something? Ignore them. They tell you you’re not good enough, pretty enough, talented enough, smart enough, strong enough, athletic enough, brave enough, caring enough, cool enough. Ignore them.

They don’t know you. They don’t know the struggles you’ve gone through, the battles you’ve fought and won or the battles you’ve lost. They act like they’ve known you forever, know who you are presently, and know who you will be. But that’s a lie. Barely any of us even know ourselves what we’re doing now or what we’ll be doing tomorrow or the next day or week or month or year. They don’t know you and with their current mindset, they never will. So forget about them and don’t give them another minute of your time or energy. It’s not worth it.

Because you know what? In the midst of all of these people who want to push you to the ground…there are people who care.

There are people who want to build you up and show you off. They know how amazing you are and how amazing you can be. They see the best in you and want everyone else to know it, too. Find these people and hold on to them. Because while you’re busy ignoring all the people who apparently know everything about you, you’ll need the people who actually do know everything about you to lean on. You’ll get tired ignoring people’s comments and you might just start believing them. It’ll be those people who stay by your side and remind you of who you really are.

You’re a fighter. You’re beautiful. You’re talented, amazing, goofy, silly, adorable, cute, fantastic, courageous, strong, daring, handsome, kind, intelligent, the coolest of the cool (ice cold!), and perfect. Perfect just the way you are. You know why? Because there is absolutely no one else in the world who is like you. You are completely unique and special and different. Now and always.

The world is rough. You might feel like you’re riding the struggle bus almost every day. It’s okay, I feel the same way sometimes. But on the days where you’ve been pushed to the ground, just remember to get up. It might not be right away. You might have to take a little time to gather your bearings and breathe a little. That’s okay. Just don’t let “them” win. Get up and prove them wrong.

You are good enough. You have always been good enough and always will be.


Pinky promise. Photo from

Pinky promise. Photo from