Overcoming A Challenge

They say people come into your life for a reason. There’s a hidden sentence behind this belief though that we need to pay attention to: people leave our lives for a reason as well.

We interact with so many people in our day to day lives. And before we truly realize it, each person has an impact on us. The ones who get close to us – our family, friends, and significant others…they make an even greater impact in our lives. They change us. Mostly for the good, but sometimes for the bad as well. In the end, though, it is not really them who change us, but it is we who change ourselves. The people come in and give us directions on our life journey and some options for us, but it is ultimately up to us to make the decision of where to go and who to become.

Every single day we make decisions that create an image of what kind of person we are. It’s up to us to make the right decisions. Life is difficult; but it’s been said that we’re never given anything in life that we can’t handle. And the things that come in and make us question this belief? They’re just challenges. That’s all. And anyone would admit that it feels great to overcome a challenge.

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